How To Become A Mason
The first step to becoming a Freemason is showing an interest. You need to "knock at the door" so to speak.
These are suggested steps:
If you are interested in becoming a member you can ask a Mason or you can contact us at Cedar Lodge ( stating your interest.
Leave us your Name, phone number, or Email address and we will repond to your message.
Contact the Grand Lodge of Canada if you live outside the Province of Ontario, or Canada. They will be able to help direct you to the appropriate lodge in which to contact.
Once you have stated your interest you will be contacted.
It is much easier to join then what you may have thought. There will be an informal meeting to discuss your interest and answer any questions you may have.
However with many organizations, there are some minimum requirements with which you must meet.
Belief in a supreme being.
Being a man of mature age (21years and older).
Being of good moral character.